Registration Agreement
This is a contract between Alton Bed & Biscuit(hereinafter called the "Company") and the pet owner
(hereinafter called the "Owner).
1 The Owner specifically represents that he or she is the sole owner of the pet
2. The Owner certifies that all information given about said pet is accurate.
3. The Owner specifically represents to the Company that the pet has not been exposed to rabies,canine/feline distemper, or canine cough within a 30 day period prior to boarding
4. The Owner agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts or behavior of said pet(s) while the pet(s) is in the care of the Company.
5. The Company shall exercise care for the pet(s) delivered by the Owner to the Company for boarding, daycare, grooming, training and other services. The owner agrees that despite the efforts of the Company and its staff to provide a safe environment, there may be unpredictable or unforeseeable circumstances that may expose Owners and/or their pet(s) to health risks, injury or death. The Owner hereby waives and releases Alton Bed & Biscuit, its employees, owners and agents from any claims while Owners and or their pet(s) are on the property.
6. If the pet(s) become ill, or the state of health or well being otherwise requires professional attention, the Company, at its sole discretion, may engage the services of a veterinarian or administer medicine or other requisite attention to the animal, and it is agreed that all costs and charges thereof shall be paid by the Owner.
7. The Owner agrees to pay all costs and charges for services he/she requests.
8. All charges incurred by the Owner shall be payable at the time the pet(s) is discharged from the Company. The Owner agrees that in the event the charges are not paid in accordance with this contract and proper notice given, the Company may exercise its rights regarding liens, abandonment consideration and disposal in accordance with State Statute subdivisions 437:19 and 437:20.
9. For long term boarding arrangements, the Company, at its sole discretion, may require a deposit before agreeing to provide services. The Owner agrees to pay such a deposit, as required.
10. Owner understands and acknowledges that from time to time,for the purpose of training, and or advertising and or promoting business, the Company takes photographs of its employees and programs, including pets on site. In consideration of the Company's agreement to accept Owner's pet for participation in its programs, Owner hereby releases from liability and licenses to the Company the right to use any photos of or including Owner's pet for any lawful purpose(s) including training materials,advertising and or promotional materials.
11. This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties. All terms and conditions of this contract shall be binding on the heirs, administrators, personal representatives and assignees of the Owner and the Company. This contract is entered into and shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. Owner agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of only New Hampshire Courts with respect to any dispute relating to this agreement and or the Owner or Owner's pet's relationship with the Company.
12. Owners acknowledge that Alton Bed & Biscuit cannot accommodate dogs with anxiety barking Issues.
13. This contract is binding for the present and all subsequent engagement for the services of the Company by the Owner.